About SACP keyboard_arrow_down

The Sociedad Argentina de Coloproctología (SACP) was founded on the 4th of September in 1942 and since then it has brought together surgeons specialized in coloproctology in Argentina, promoting scientific advances in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the colon, rectum, and anus.

A monthly scientific session is held on the second Friday of each month, from April to November of each year, where scientific papers are read and subsequently published in the Revista Argentina de Coloproctología.

This journal is an official publication of the SACP covering coloproctology, surgery, oncology, and gastroenterology, and colonic, rectal, and anal pathologies.

It is published quarterly (March, June, September, and December). The journal was published for the first time in 1942 and follows the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

The teaching of the specialty supported and supervised by the SACP is accomplished in several ways:

  • Post-basic residence.
  • Competitions and Fellowships.
  • Postgraduate courses.
  • Congresses and Conferences.

The SACP holds an annual course with the participation of outstanding national and international specialists through theory classes, scientific sessions, and a final evaluation. It also conducts short postgraduate courses that provide updates on the main topics of the specialty.

The SACP runs the annual Congreso Argentino de Coloproctología congress, which is held together with the Congreso Argentino de Cirugía congress, as well as the Jornadas Argentinas de Coloproctología event every two years.

An annual award is given every year to the best scientific paper read in the sessions e. The SACP also has close ties to various national and international medical scientific societies for the promotion of knowledge in the specialty.

Dr. Fernando Serra President Dr. Fernando Bugallo Vice President Dr. Marcelo Colinas General Secretary Dr. Alejandro Canelas Treasurer

Faculty keyboard_arrow_down
Dr. Mariano Laporte MD, Colorectal Surgeon, Associated Staff Hospital Aleman, Staff Clinica Bazterrica and Hospital Piñero, Argentina Colorectal Surgery
Dr. Carlos Miguel Lumi Coloproctology Surgeon; Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of Buenos Aires; Staff, Coloproctology Unit, Hospital de Gastroenterología "Dr C.B. Udaondo", Argentina Colorectal Surgery
Dr. Alejandro Moreira MD, PhD, Chief of the Gastroenterological Surgery Division, Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Argentina Gastroenterology
Dr. Juan C. Patrón MD, Chief of Colorectal Surgery, British Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina Colorectal Surgery
Dr. Nicolas Rotholtz Chairman of General Surgery Department and Colorectal Surgery Division at Hospital Aleman, Director Colorectal Surgery Program at University of Buenos Aires (UBA) General Surgery