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Can you imagine sharing a coffee with an internationally renowned surgeon and having a direct, pleasant and informal conversation?
Thanks to the new "A COFFEE WITH" feature of AIS you will be able to do so!!!
You will have a coffee agenda so you can choose the day and time and enjoy a dose of surgical caffeine of the highest level.
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Prof. Ichiro Takemasa is the author of more than 300 scientific papers published in peer- reviewed impact factored scientific journals.

Prof. Takemasa is an executive director of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Surgery (JSGS) and Japan Society for Endoscopy Surgery (JSES). He is also the chair of the JSES Robotic-Assisted Surgery Steering Committee.

He was the first to perform single-incision lap surgery with D3 dissection for colorectal cancer, and is the KOL in MIS, including robot-assisted surgery, taTME, in Japan, and has served as PI for more than 20 clinical trials.

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Dr. Ichiro Takemasa MD, PhD, FACS, Professor and; Chairman, Department of Surgery, Surgical Oncology and Science, SAPPORO MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, Sapporo Japan Surgical Oncology
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