About SAAS keyboard_arrow_down

The Society of Asian Academic Surgeons (SAAS) was founded to focus on the personal and professional development of Asian academic surgeons with the belief that the best way to increase Asian representation in the leadership of academic surgery is to prepare future generations to succeed.

Towards this end, we raise money to provide scholarships for both trainees and junior faculty to help them with their career development. We also give out awards for the best research submitted by members to the Academic Surgical Congress and to the SAAS Annual Meeting to showcase the advances being made by Asians in the field.

From the beginning, our society has been fully inclusive. We defined “Asian” in the broadest sense to include not only those from East, Southeast, and South Asia, but also Persians, Arabs, Turks and any other nationality from the Asian continent. Furthermore, membership in SAAS is open to anyone of any ethnicity who has an interest in promoting underrepresented populations in any arena of academic surgery.

Dr. Susan Tsai, MD, MHS

Dr. Eugene Kim, MD

Dr. Daniel Chu, MD, MSPH

Yumi Hori, BA
Executive Director

Dr. Tejal Brahmbhatt, MD
Faculty keyboard_arrow_down
Dr. Herbert Chen Chair and Surgeon-in-Chief, Department of Surgery at The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama, USA Endocrine Surgery
Dr. Ankush Gosain MD, PhD, MBA, FACS, FAAP, President-Elect, Society of Asian Academic Surgeons; Professor, Division of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA Pediatric Surgery
Dr. Anai Kothari MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA Gastroenterology
Dr. Susan Tsai MD, MHS, FACS, President, Society of Asian Academic Surgeons; Professor, Division of Surgical Oncology, Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin Surgical Oncology
Dr. Jennifer Tseng MD, FACS; James Utley Professor and Chair, Dept. of Surgery, Boston University School of Medicine · Surgeon-in-Chief, Boston Medical Center, USA Surgical Oncology
Dr. Allan Tsung MD, FACS Professor and Chief of Surgical Oncology, Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, USA Surgical Oncology
Dr. Tracy Wang MD, MPH, FACS; Professor; Chief, Section of Endocrine Surgery; Vice-Chair, Strategic and Professional Development, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA Endocrine Surgery